Houston County Teachers of the Year

Meet Jade Thomas
Ms. Jade Thomas of Lake Joy Elementary School has been named the 2024-2025 Houston County Teacher of the Year. The announcement was made at the District’s Opening Session held on July 24. She received over $16,000 in cash and prizes donated by organizations from throughout Houston County.
Ms. Thomas has been teaching for 7 years. She currently serves as a fourth-grade teacher and previously taught fifth grade, also at Lake Joy Elementary. Before stepping into the classroom, Ms. Thomas served in the Marine Corps for eight years.
Ms. Thomas said, "I provide all students with the opportunity to grow as creative and critical thinkers by believing challenging tasks are within reach, regardless of their ability levels. Students will reach their greatest potential because in Houston County, and in my classroom, striving for excellence is the standard!”
2024-2025 Teachers of the Year
School Level
Bonaire Elementary - Maggie Angel
Bonaire Middle - Kaley Hicks, Top 5
Bonaire Primary - Gretchen Stone, Top 10
C.B. Watson Primary – Alandra Justice
Centerville Elementary - Joynita Etheridge
David Perdue Elementary - Katherine Card
David Perdue Primary - Sarah Steinbacher, Top 10
Eagle Springs Elementary - Andrea Skipper, Top 5
Feagin Mill Middle – TaShaunessy Kennedy
Hilltop Elementary - Berniece Whitehead
Houston College & Career Academy - Kristie Norris, Top 10
Houston County High - Brett Taylor
Houston County WIN Academy - Cortney Hickey
Huntington Middle - Sekemia Caldwell-Johnson
Kings Chapel Elementary - Mary Jan Kratz, Top 10
Lake Joy Elementary - Jade Thomas, TOTY
Lake Joy Primary - Sarita Hicks
Langston Road Elementary - Deanna Foster, Top 10
Langston Road Primary - Shelly Osborne
Matt Arthur Elementary - Kimberly Strozier
Miller Elementary - Latricia Cosby
Morningside Elementary - Katrina West
Mossy Creek Middle - Shannon Ballard, Top 5
Northside Elementary - June Glover
Northside High - Jea-Otiss Carter
Northside Middle - Renee Stephens
Parkwood Elementary - Amanda Hickey
Pearl Stephens Elementary - Zaleshia McGriff
Perry High - Felton Williams
Perry Middle - Megan Alford
Quail Run Elementary - Angela Andrews
Russell Elementary - Denise Maddox
Shirley Hills Elementary - Carlencia Jones
Thomson Middle - William Acosta
Tucker Elementary - Holly Owen
Veterans High - Megan Jones, Top 5
Warner Robins High - Maria Lemus (la-MOOSE)
Warner Robins Middle - Jamessa Copeland
Westside Elementary - Terri Chavira