Preschool header

The mission of the Houston County Pre-Kindergarten Program is to provide developmentally appropriate educational opportunities for four-year old children and their families.  The program will promote a partnership among the child, family, school and community to encourage life-long learning.      

The Houston County School District Pre-K Program strives to ensure that every child in every school has access to a high-quality education that promotes their academic, social, emotional, and physical development. We are committed to helping your child reach his or her fullest potential, prepared to enter kindergarten.  In partnership with our parents, we strive to meet each child's needs in all areas.  Together, we can accomplish great things and take pride in your child's success.

Contact Information

Sharon Eddy, Coordinator for Special Programs



Stephanie Dixon, Administrative Assistant for Special Programs



***********Pre-K Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year************

The Pre-K lottery registration window for the 2025-26 school year will begin March 3 and run through March 28. Students eligible for Pre-K in 25-26 should have a date of birth between September 2, 2020 - September 1, 2021 and must reside in the Houston County School District.  General registration information can be found on the Central Registration FAQ page.