Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, data-driven framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety and support improved academic outcomes. More than 1,000 Georgia schools and 27,000 nationwide have been trained in PBIS. Implementation of PBIS is saving countless instructional hours otherwise lost to discipline.
The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety and learning. PBIS schools apply a multi-tiered approach to prevention, using disciplinary data and principles of behavior analysis to develop school-wide, targeted and individualized interventions and supports to improve school climate for all students. (OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports). Excerpt from Middle Georgia RESA website.
What is the goal?
Our district's mission is to produce high-achieving students. Our goal through this PBIS initiative is to create a strong, positive school culture where each child and staff member feels safe and supported in an effective learning environment to achieve academic success.
In the News
Hilltop Elementary PBIS Kickoff Proves Successful - Houston Home Journal
Student Services September Board Report Article on PBIS
CB Watson Students Feel The Spirit With Outlined Expectations
PBIS Schools
Centerville Elementary
David Perdue Elementary
David Perdue Primary
Eagle Springs
Chapel Elementary
Langston Road Elementary
Arthur Elementary
Stephens Elementary
Quail Run Elementary
Hills Elementary
Bonaire Middle
Mill Middle
Mossy Creek Middle
Northside Middle
Northside High
Perry High
Veterans High
Warner Robins High

Nine Russell Elementary teachers teamed up to write a special song to inspire students to make wise decisions as part of their PBIS Kickoff for the 2020-2021 school year. During the kickoff event, students learned more about the PBIS matrix, program features and school staff's expectations in terms of positive behavior.
Russell Elementary teacher, Curtis Singleton, said, "It has been great to select expectations that teach our students how to act in different locations of our school building. Instead of telling the students what they cannot do, we teach our students the expectations."
Centerville Elementary PBIS
This year has presented new challenges due to the social distancing. However, Centerville Elementary School understands the importance of teaching expectations. This year they decided to teach expectations virtually. Centerville Elementary School teaches their students correct and proper ways to use playground equipment, throw away trash on the playground (even if it is not their trash), open the door for others, stop to allow others to pass, and walk quietly on the blue line on the right side of the hall, eyes and feet facing forward. Faculty and staff acknowledge students for following expectations by passing out Mustang Bucks.
Perry High PBIS
The Georgia Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Committee hosted its annual conference in December 2020. As part of this conference, Perry High School was chosen to represent the Houston County district. The presentation encompassed the work of the school's Panther Vision Team and epitomizes the full spirit of PBIS. The team is comprised of PHS students who work in video and graphics as an extracurricular activity and one of our current business education teachers as their mentor. The Perry High School PBIS team worked with the Panther Vision team to create a presentation about the implementation of PBIS and the dynamics of the process from the student, teacher, and administrative perspectives in a high school setting.