Morningside Elementary

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School History

Property Purchased: 1968

Facility Constructed: 1970

Previous School Name: Perry Junior High

School Mascot: Panthers

School Colors: Burgundy and Gold

School Motto: We succeed together.

Morningside Elementary School

School Mission Statement

Our mission is nurturing ALL students to be leaders.

Our sision is students today, leaders tomorrow.

Other Interesting Facts/ Trivia/ Awards

    Our campus is the site of the only natural wooded outdoor classroom in the school system and was established in 1993.
    2002 Georgia School Bell Award Winner
    Building 2010 was renovated in 2004.
    Named a 2009 Title I Distinguished School and made adequate yearly progress for seven consecutive years.

School Principal History

George W. Pope: 1970 - 1992

Van Rowell Rodgers: 1992 - 1999

Peggy Jackson: 1999 - 2004

Pat Witt: 2004 - 2017

Kassandra King: 2017 - present

Use of School

Perry Junior High  (grades 8-9): 1970 - 1985

Morningside Elementary (grades 5-6): 1985 - 1991

Morningside Elementary (grades PK- 5): 1991 - 1999

Morningside Elementary (grades 2-5): 1999-2014

Morningside Elementary (grades PK-5): 2014 - Current

Completed School Improvements/ Renovations

1994: Music, Art and PE Addition

1996: Minor Classroom Modifications

2003: 14 Classroom Addition

2004: Interior Renovations