High School Mathematics
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The District's high school mathematics program follows the Georgia Standards of Excellence. These standards, when mastered, will provide students with all of the mathematical skills and knowledge that they will need to excel in high school, and later, college. Your child's mathematics success will be very important to his or her ability to graduate on time. Since the State of Georgia Department of Education requires four years of core mathematics and high school lasts only four years, your student needs to pass each and every math course he or she takes with the highest level of understanding to be successful at the next level. So make sure your child is completing homework daily and seeks extra tutoring as soon as he or she does not understand.
Georgia High School Graduation Rules require that high school students take and pass:
- Algebra 1
- Geometry
- Algebra 2
- One other Mathematics Course, which could include: Ideally, fourth course should be above the level of Algebra 2, and could include one or more of the following:
- PreCalculus
- Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
- College Readiness Mathematics
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Statistics
- Several other Dual Enrollment Options taken through a University System of Georgia college before HS graduation-Consult your Counselor. (Use pulldown to select from "University System of Georgia Institutions" list first)
In some situations of significant struggle in math, a fourth course could be a course that is at or below the level of Algebra 1/Geometry/Algebra 2, such as:
- Foundations of Algebra (taken before Algebra 1)
- Math of Finance
- Technical College Readiness Mathematics
- Other Dual Enrollment Options taken through a Technical College System of GA -Consult your Counselor. (Use pullodwn to select from "Technical College System of Georgia Institutions" list first)
Lastly, SUPPORT Classes might be utilized where offered to mitigate math struggles. Support classes do not count as one of the four required math courses. These courses are:
- Algebra 1 Support (support courses do not have their own standards - they support the standards found in the regular math course and are considered "elective.")
- Geometry Support (support courses do not have their own standards - they support the standards found in the regular math course and are considered "elective.")
- Algebra 2 Support (support courses do not have their own standards - they support the standards found in the regular math course and are considered "elective.")
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Mathematics Coordinator, Grades 6-12
Dr. Cassie Rape
Mathematics Secretary, Teaching and Learning Office

Mrs. Susan Rodriguez
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