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About our Middle School Program

Gifted Program Services

Students enrolled in the Advanced Content courses in middle and high school must take at least one gifted education course and spend a minimum of five (FTE) segments per week in gifted education classes. Three or four core subject areas are usually taken by the students in middle school. The district may elect to include students who are not identified as gifted but who have demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation in a particular content area. 


Houston County uses the following descriptors as a means of distinguishing gifted education services: In middle and high school, gifted education classes may be referred to as gifted, GTE, honors, and/or advanced content.


Testing for Gifted Services

New students who were enrolled in a gifted program in Georgia will be placed in Houston County Gifted Program upon written confirmation of eligibility. 


Students currently enrolled in Houston County Schools may be referred for testing at any time during the school year. All referrals will be reviewed by the school’s eligibility team for consideration for gifted education formal evaluation. Testing, scoring, and norming will be completed school-by-school by Houston County gifted testing diagnosticians. Parents are notified of eligibility. Gifted-identified students will, with parental consent, be enrolled in gifted education classes at the beginning of the following school year. Students enrolled in a gifted program from another state and/or military children served in gifted/honors/AP program at the sending school will be placed in gifted classes upon written confirmation of eligibility. “This does not preclude the school in the receiving state from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement and continued enrollment of the student in the course(s).” (Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children)

Awards and Recognitions

Middle School Academic Bowl

MS AB Winner

2024 - 2025 Middle School

District Level

Academic Bowl Champions

Feagin Mill Middle School

Gifted Program Activities

As a member of the Gifted and Talented Education classroom, your child may participate in some of the following activities during the school year.

Academic Bowl
The PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades is a quiz bowl competition for teams of students in sixth through eighth grades enrolled in public and private schools throughout Georgia.
National History Day
National History Day is a year-long academic program focused on historical research, interpretation and creative expression for 6th- to 12th-grade students. By participating in NHD, students become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights and artists as they create unique contemporary expressions of history.
Science Fair
MS Science Fair
The Georgia Science & Engineering Fair (GSEF) is Georgia’s premier forum for students to showcase their original research, compete for awards, and interact with top-level professional scientists. The science fair system in Georgia serves not only to recognize students for their achievements, but also to prepare students to succeed and flourish in an increasingly complex and highly technical world by becoming problem solvers, critical thinkers, reflective learners, and more productive and influential members of their communities.
Social Studies Fair
Middle SS Fair

The Georgia Council for the Social Studies is the forum for teachers to guide students in the development of research projects addressing significant Social Studies topics using social studies, literacy and research methodology. Students communicate their findings through abstracts, research summary papers, and visual representations.


Contact Us:

Houston County Board of Education

Building C, Teaching and Learning 

1100 Main Street

Perry, Georgia 31069

(478) 988-6200 EXT 3442